How to focus in a noisy & distracted world

Learn the exact steps highly productive people use in order to stay focused when bombarded with a variety of distractions and noise throughout the day.

Become more effective in less time.

An 8-hour workday means the average person will spend one-third of her life WORKING instead of LIVING. Even more disturbing that during those 8 hours at work, you're only productive for approximately three of them. Wouldn't it be amazing to become more effective during your work hours so you can work LESS hours? Think about all the time you'll be able to spend doing the things you absolutely love, and that feed your soul purpose if you can FOCUS for just a few hours per day in order to bang out your maximum productivity. 

Know this all
too well?


You can never finish your work because people constantly call you asking for help with something important to THEM.


You've spent hours at work only to make no progress on your projects because your phone's notifications are dinging with messages and texts.


Nothing is getting done because emails are flooding in and making your laptop sing with alerts that you've got mail.


Constant noise never allows you to focus on the work in front of you, leaving you to slave at your desk for longer periods of time each day.

Using proven methods from highly productive people means less wasted time. No need to play a guessing game; the methods, techniques, and tips for maintaining focus at your in-office job, remote job, or as an entrepreneur, are all available in this downloadable PDF eBook.

Ready to find your focus in this chaotic world?


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What's inside the eBook?


What you should eat to remain energized and focused.


What the Pomodoro Technique is and how to use it.


What Parkinson's Law is and how to use it.


How to prioritize tasks.


… and so much more!

november sunflower's Founder

Staci Gerardi

As a woman who spent far too much of my life making millions for corporations as a marketing strategist, I was terrible at focusing my efforts during the course of my work day. It meant working far more hours each week than I needed to for companies that absolutely did not appreciate me, or my work - they only cared about RESULTS. Once I started working for myself, I realized even though I loved what I was doing and who I was doing it for, I didn't want to do it ALL THE TIME. It took me away from being a hands-on mother to my two young kids. 

Once I committed time to learning how to focus, the life shift was noticeable to me and my kids. My work could be done as they napped, ate snacks and lunch, and eventually whilst they attended day care and finally, a full school day.

When you want a life outside of earning income to support yourself and a family, you need to learn how to focus your energy and time so you can be productive for shorter periods of time each day.

Don't miss out on improving your life, and the lives of your loved ones.

With these tips and techniques you will learn why ….

Taking Breaks Throughout Your Day

will improve your productivity.

You Need to Drink Water

as it enhances your concentration.

You Need to Take Back Your Time

before it's too late!


We all have a long list of tasks. Not many of us know how to prioritize tasks so we can be our most productive selves. When we don't know how to prioritize tasks, we end up getting none of our tasks done in a reasonable amount of time.


Multi-tasking is a fallacy. Your brain doesn't work like that. It switches back-and-forth, and every time you bounce from one task to another, it wastes your time as your brain makes these adjustments.


Our minds and bodies need sleep to recover from the beatings they take during the day. Sleep is one of the most important tools for productivity.

Minimize your workday without cutting into you productivity or skimping on the quality of your work with the help of this eBook's techniques and tips.